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Skill Testing

Testing is an important aspect to skill development to ensure that a skill acts as expected. Neon provides several automations to make basic testing trivial to implement and more advanced testing easier.

Automating Tests

To enable automated tests with GitHub actions, create .github/workflows/skill_tests.yml in your skill repository with the below snippet:

# This workflow will run unit tests

name: Test Skill

  # TODO: Add any jobs here

The above automation means that build tests will be run any time a pull_request is created/updated, or Test Skill is manually run from GitHub.

Build Tests

For skills that include a file for installation, enabling build tests can help catch typos or errors. To enable this automation, add the below snippet to the GitHub automation specified above

  uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/python_build_tests.yml@master

Install Tests

For any skill (even those without, installation tests can be used to make sure the skill can be installed via osm. To enable this automation, add the below snippet to the GitHub automation specified above:

  uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_installation.yml@master

Unit Tests

Unit tests are generally a good way to make sure components are working as expected while building a skill. It is generally recommended to write unit tests while writing a skill.

To enable this automation, specify test/ and add the below snippet to the GitHub automation specified above:

  uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_tests.yml@master


Using skill-about as an example, unit tests are fairly simple to implement.

The snippet below shows all of the common test code that can simply be copy/pasted to a new skill test:

import json
import os
import shutil
import unittest
import pytest

from os import mkdir
from os.path import dirname, join, exists
from mock import Mock
from mycroft_bus_client import Message
from ovos_utils.messagebus import FakeBus

class TestSkill(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
        from mycroft.skills.skill_loader import SkillLoader

        bus = FakeBus()
        skill_loader = SkillLoader(bus, dirname(dirname(__file__)))
        cls.skill = skill_loader.instance
        cls.test_fs = join(dirname(__file__), "skill_fs")
        if not exists(cls.test_fs):
        cls.skill.settings_write_path = cls.test_fs
        cls.skill.file_system.path = cls.test_fs

        # Override speak and speak_dialog to test passed arguments
        cls.skill.speak = Mock()
        cls.skill.speak_dialog = Mock()

    def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:

    def tearDown(self) -> None:

    def test_00_skill_init(self):
        # Test any parameters expected to be set in init or initialize methods

The setup methods here create an instance of the skill class and mock the settings and file system parameters to prevent interfering with any installations on the system running tests. This also mocks speak and speak_dialog so test methods can check what is passed to those methods.

Continuing with that example, a test for an intent handler would look like:

def test_read_license(self):
    valid_message = Message("test_message",
                            {"tell": "tell", "license": "license"},
                            {"neon_should_respond": True})
    valid_message_long = Message("test_message",
                                 {"tell": "tell", "license": "license",
                                  "long": "long"},
                                 {"neon_should_respond": True})



The message passed to the intent handler is mocked here with some expected data and context; note that the msg_type is unimportant in this case. The skill handler method read_license is called directly with the test message and calls to speak_dialog are tested to make sure the correct dialog was selected.

The unittest documentation is another helpful resource for testing other methods and there are various guides for writing generic unit tests, such as this one from RealPython.

Resource Tests

Resource tests ensure that any expected resource files are present and not empty. This is particularly useful for making sure supported languages are maintained and changes to the skill don't accidentally break language support.

To enable this automation, specify test/test_resources.yaml and add the below snippet to the GitHub automation specified above:

  uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_resources.yml@master


Using skill-about as an example, resource tests look like:

# Specify resources to test here.

# Specify languages to be tested
  - "en-us"
  - "uk-ua"

# vocab is lowercase .voc file basenames
  - license
  - long
  - skills
  - tell

# dialog is .dialog file basenames (case-sensitive)
  - license_long
  - license_short
  - skills_list
# regex entities, not necessarily filenames
regex: []
  # Padatious intents are the `.intent` file names
  padatious: []
  # Adapt intents are the name passed to the constructor
    - LicenseIntent
    - ListSkillsIntent

Comments in the above file describe how to fill out each section; this file generally shouldn't change unless a new intent is added to a skill. Also note that both missing AND extraneous files will result in a test failure.

Intent Tests

Intent tests make sure that a skill matches user utterances to intents as expected. Intent tests are very useful in making sure a skill handler handles all the user utterance it should and not the ones it shouldn't.

It is also helpful to take reported intent failures or invalid matches and add them to the tests here and then adjust intent resources to achieve the desired behavior.

To enable this automation, specify test/test_intents.yaml and add the below snippet to the GitHub automation specified above:

  uses: neongeckocom/.github/.github/workflows/skill_test_intents.yml@master


Using skill-about as an example, resource tests look like:

# Specify intents to test here. Valid test cases are as follows:

# Basic intent match tests only:
#  intent_name:
#    - example utterance
#    - other example utterance

# Intent tests with expected vocab/entity matches:
#  intent_name:
#    - example_utterance:
#        - expected vocab name
#        - other expected vocab name

# Intent tests with specific vocab/entity extraction tests:
#  intent_name:
#    - example_utterance:
#        - expected_vocab_key: expected_vocab_value
#        - expected_entity_key: expected_entity_value

    - what is your license
    - what is my license
    - tell me the license
    - tell me the full license:
        - long: full
    - tell me my complete license:
        - long: complete
    - tell me my skills
    - tell me installed skills
    - what skills are installed
    - what can you do

unmatched intents:
    - what is your name
    - what is my name
    - tell me what a skill is
    #    - tell me what skills are
    - what can you tell me about life
    - tell me what a license is

The comments in the above file note how to specify valid intent matches, including optional checks for extracted intent data (vocab/entity/regex).

The unmatched intents specifies utterances that should match no intent in this skill and are useful for making sure a skill will work well with other skills.