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Neon Documentation

Welcome to the official Neon AI® Documentation. All Neon AI® project documentation is available here and is updated regularly from source project repositories.

Get Involved

The best place to get involved is on the forums or Matrix chat. You can interact with Neon developers and other users there to discuss projects, find support, and provide feedback. Also feel free to open issues and pull requests in any of our repositories.

Get In Touch

If you want to get in touch with us directly, you can reach us at

Partner Projects

We are proud to partner with other projects with our shared goal of making great open source products.


The OpenVoiceOS project is a closely related project to Neon AI® with many shared components and regular collaboration. You can find more information at, and in their chat rooms on Matrix.

Mycroft AI

Mycroft Core is where Neon and OVOS both started. NeonAI® was a Mycroft Channel Partner, working with them to provide solutions focused on enterprise users and other integrations. Mycroft has dissolved and Neon is maintaining the evolution of their forums at