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NeonOS Updates

You can always download the latest NeonOS image from In most cases though, you can perform in-place updates from your device. Updates will generally take about 30 minutes to complete and once started, you will not be able to use your device until updates finish.

Update via Skill Intent

For images as of December 20, 2022, you may check for updates by asking your device "are there any updates?". Neon will tell you the installed Neon Core version and if there is an update available. If a newer version is available, you will be given the option to install it.

Manual Update via Terminal

As an alternative to the skill intent, updates can be started manually from a terminal session. Instructions for getting a terminal open are documented here. This method is supported as of October 26, 2023.

/opt/neon/update master
# `master` refers to the stable release branch; for alpha updates use `dev`

Update Process

The update process may vary slightly as systems mature, but a description of the components is included here.

Neon Updates Skill

The Neon Updates Skill handles user requests to check for updates. If an update is requested, the skill will emit a message to start an update which the relevant plugin will handle. This skill is also where settings determine if pre-release versions are included in updates.

Device Updater Plugin

NeonOS Releases since July 20, 2023, use SquashFS to perform a different kind of update. Operating System updates are managed by the Device Updater Plugin which checks configured remote paths for new SquashFS or InitramFS images to be applied. When an update is available, the plugin downloads and applies updates; InitramFS is applied without needing a restart, SquashFS updates require a system reboot to be applied.

SquashFS updates will overwrite much of the root file system to make sure everything is in a working state after updating. Any custom scripts or user files should be kept in the /home directory to avoid being removed as part of the update process. Note that system packages may be removed during the course of an update, so any manually installed packages may need to be re-installed after updating.

Advanced Usage

SquashFS updates attempt to migrate relevant information (like /var, /home, SSH keys, NetworkManager config, etc.) between updates, but system packages and other manual configuration may be removed as part of the update process. For most users, this is helpful to clean up incidental changes and restore an installation to a predictable state after updating. For users who want to apply customizations that persist through updates, here are some guidelines.

  • With the exception of venv, the user directory is not modified between updates. venv is replaced with a clean version as part of an update to ensure package compatibility and allow for updating python versions.
  • Extra skills should be added to the user configuration file. This allows Neon core to manage dependency installation, and makes sure a skill is re-installed after system updates.
  • Any extra customizations can be added to /root/post_update. This script will be run as root after an update is applied and is intended to handle any desired system package installation, system service configuration, etc. The system service does not specify an interpreter, so this file should start with a #!, i.e. #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/python3. This file will be marked as executable automatically before each execution.
  • Any changes not explicitly handled during the update will be saved at /opt/neon/old_overlay. A post_update script may choose to do something to restore specific files from here.

Core Updater Plugin

Python package updates are managed by the Core Updater Plugin which is configured in Neon OS to run the neon-updater SystemD service. The neon-updater service is responsible for backing up the current system and installing a newer version of neon-core.

neon-updater Service

The neon-updater service comes from neon-image-recipe and is responsible for performing Python package updates. The service will stop all core processes, backup the current Python environment, and then update Python packages. After installation, the service will check that the core services load before optionally rolling back failed changes and then restarting Neon.

Legacy Update Process for Installations prior to Neon Core 22.10.2a15

If you have an older version of Neon that does not include the update skill, you may still update your device manually without having to install a new image.

Update via SSH

If you have another computer available on the same network as your Neon device, you can connect via SSH to start the update. 1. Ask your Neon device "what is your IP address" and type it somewhere you can copy & paste from. 2. From a terminal on your other computer, enter ssh neon@<device ip address.

(Windows 10/11 has an app called 'Terminal' that you can find using the 'search' feature in your Start menu. It will open a terminal window for you.)

Your terminal address will differ, but here is an example:


You might see this warning:


That's normal. Type in 'yes' and press enter. After the change is made, you'll be returned to where you started. image

  1. Type in ssh neon@<device ip address again to start the password update process. You'll be prompted to enter the password. The default password for Neon AI OS images is 'neon'. It will not show in the terminal window when you type passwords. Type in neon, and press enter. Follow the prompts to set a new password. image

  2. One more time, type in ssh neon@<device ip address and enter your password.
    Your terminal prompt should change to show that you are accessing Neon on your Mark II device. For example: image

Now Run the one-time update script

Update via on-device terminal

If you have a USB keyboard available, you can open a terminal on your Neon device to start the update.

  1. Connect a USB keyboard to your Neon device.
  2. Press ctrl+shift+F1 to open a terminal.
  3. Tap or click on the terminal.
  4. Run the one-time update script

Run the one-time script

Run the following commands to download and run the one-time update script:

wget bash one-time-update

Example of running wget:

(The page is a friendly url which redirects to the longer one used in the example.)


Your Mark II display should change to show the Neon logo, and words showing its status. This may take a couple minutes, or longer depending on your connection speed. When you see the home screen return, you're good to go!