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Project Quality Assurance Standards

This document describes the common practices used to ensure code repositories maintain a reasonable standard of quality. This applies to any projects under the Neon AI GitHub organization.

At the time of writing, this is comprised almost entirely of Python projects, but this document should apply to all projects as much as possible.

Standard Automated Tests

All projects should implement the following tests unless there is need for a specific exception. - license_tests: This checks for any incompatibly licensed dependencies. A failure here can be resolved by removing the offending package, allowing an exception for the offending package, or allowing the offending license. - python_build_tests: This ensures a package will build, including checks for relative path errors in - docker_build_tests: For packages that include a Dockerfile, this ensures containers will build for the specified platforms.


For skills, there are some additional standard tests. - skill_tests: This shared automation runs tests defined in the test directory. The shared automation includes boilerplate code for installing/loading the skill. - skill_intent_tests: This tests that intents defined in test/test_intents.yaml match as expected in different conditions. - skill_resource_tests: This tests that resource files defined in test/test_resources.yaml are defined in all configured languages. - skill_install_tests: This tests that a skill may be installed and is compatible with different common core configurations.

At the time of writing, this automation is in need of updates to properly test installation since OSM has been deprecated.

Unit Tests

In addition to the standard test automation, unit tests should also be defined for any projects that are not in an alpha state. There are currently no specific guidelines for test coverage, but generally the expectation is that tests are added with code changes, such that coverage only increases with each change.

Contributions and Changes

Any code contribution or change must not be accepted with failing tests. There are a few options for how a failing test may be resolved.

Newly added test is failing

If a test that was added with other changes is failing, the simplest solution is to update the new test or code. Consider what the expected behavior is or should be and update the test or code as necessary.

Breaking change in new code

If code contributions create a breaking change, consider how to maintain backwards-compatibility so that existing tests pass. If this is not possible, update the tests to properly test the new expected behavior.

Note that a code review may ask that breaking changes be reverted, so check with the repository maintainer before updating tests.

Test failure unrelated to changes

Sometimes a test failure occurs and is unrelated to the changes that triggered the automation run. In these cases, tests still must pass before the PR is merged. If you are able to diagnose and resolve the failure, it is best to open a new PR with just those changes and then rebase your other changes after the test fixes are merged. If you are unsure why tests are failing, ask the repository maintainer to look into it as they are responsible for fixing that issue.